Pecunia Gmbh

The pecunia project has received funding from the european union s horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 779292.
Pecunia gmbh. Zu unseren leistungen zählen die lohn und finanzbuchhaltung das controlling sowie der umfangreiche bereich der unternehmensberatung. Magna pecunia gmbh has its registered office in ratingen germany. The company is registered at the trade register at the local court of düsseldorf with the legal form of private limited company number hrb 71791. District court of mannheim hra 708990 address.
Pecunia holding gmbh is located in leipzig sachsen germany and is part of the management of companies enterprises industry. There are 30 companies in the pecunia holding gmbh corporate family. Pecunia asset i gmbh co. Pecunia gmbh 2020.
Publications 28 oct 2019. Die in hamburg ansäßige pecunia gmbh ist ein langjährig tätiges branchenunabhängiges dienstleistungs und beratungsunternehmen für die täglichen belange des mittelstandes.